Star Unions - Under Construction

In the beginning (First 10 years)

History (Brief):

2010 - The end of a worldwide recession on Earth, the greatest in almost seventy years, forces countries the world over to reconsider exactly how stable their world is, and how well they might fare in a repeated situation.

2012 - Another, far smaller recession hits over a scandal in Tokyo. It passes in just six months, but the scare it causes triggers civil collapse in several countries across the world, including Chile, Oman and Indonesia.

2013 - The first official proposal for a federated European Union is put forward. It is voted down almost unanimously. Public opinion in Europe begins to lean sharply towards isolationism, both from each other and the world at large.

2015 - The EU reform of its' three-pillar system is pushed through, resulting in a unified military foreign policy and high command, in spite of public protest in several constituent countries.

2016 - Against the wishes of the UN, the EU pulls its' troops out of the Middle East, though Britain and Denmark remain for a further six months before, too, abandoning their posts. The US throws itself head-first into the fight to compensate. Funding to Israel is drastically increased.

2017 - Under increasing pressure from Pakistani authorities, several notable Muslim extremist-groups move their HQs to moderate-Egypt, rendering years of Western toil moot and prompting a resurgence in the fighting.

2020 - A spate of religious-bombings prompt simultaneous invasions of Pakistan and Egypt, the US public increasingly split between those who want an end to the war at all costs and those who call out for blood for the lives lost. China intervenes on Pakistan's behalf and successfully votes in a UN condemnation of American actions.